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Boutique Marketing Agency

By now, you have a sense of what Sara offers for Public Relations. But she also excels at Personal Relations. 

The foundation of who we are lies at the intersection of our Personal and our Public selves. Sara excels at helping individuals navigate that complex space. Whether you’re in the midst of a major life change, having an existential crisis, or just stuck in a rut, Sara can be your sounding board and personal adviser. 

Personal Relations

Sara believes in the power of mentorship, even on a personal level. During every major transition in her life, she’s had someone guiding her along the way. With the Personal Relations part of w/Sara PR, Sara is putting years of personal and professional experience to good use. 

According to Sara, “Some were paid professionals, some helpful mentors, and many were supportive friends and family members. Change is uncomfortable, and for most people, it requires a motivational sidekick.” That’s what she can be for you.

When she wasn’t getting what she wanted out of her career, she started her own business. And when she faced setbacks in her personal life, she stepped back and built a plan. From experiencing the highs and lows of step-motherhood to coping with family addiction and grief, Sara has learned the tools for growth, compassion and embracing change with grace. 

Why Go w/Sara?

wellness practices

toxic relationships

grief & trauma healing

career & biz development

Identity & Purpose

Personal Coaching w/Sara 

The coaching journey is unique to each individual. Whether you’re coming in with clear intentions or exploring what feels off, our weekly sessions are a dedicated time and space to find clarity, and me as your coach to identify patterns and growth opportunities.

nervous system regulation

Identify : Discover : Design : Practice : Reflect


1 goal, 2 month



Laser  Focused

More  to  Do

2 goal, 4 month


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Public + personal relations